Agencja Interaktywna Dige

Agencja Interaktywna Dige

Plac Rodła 9,
70-419 Szczecin


social networks, social marketing, mobile solutions

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Crazy about mobile solutions and location-based? Completely.
Experienced in supporting the creation of high-traffic applications / software for large international clients and partners? Of course. Capable to combine business expertise with technological know-how? Hello, Dige!

The product is not just technology

We know that only a detailed analysis and understanding of the business aspects allow to build effective and useful products, bringing real benefits to users.
We develop concepts and create the technical side of working in an environment desktop and mobile systems to support loyalty programs.

And after hours?

In addition to working with clients, we like to work on their own projects – so we develop its own internal ideas that eventually become separate products.
We also help others – so willingly engage in actions and charity projects / pro-social giving great satisfaction from the fact that helping others.
Other projects on which we work and check that our knowledge and experience will help you in achieving your goals.