We would like to invite you to participate in a Polish-German workshop that we are organizing as part of our international Consideration project, which will be held on April 9 this year from 13:00 – 16:00 at Technopark Pomerania. It will be attended by our Partners from Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, and Lithuania, as well as representatives of companies from our region.

Our Cluster companies will take part in the workshop as Experts. They will talk about the digitization of businesses and the opportunities and challenges that new technologies offer companies for their development.

The entire Consideration project aims to create a platform that will help small and medium-sized enterprises (from various industries) go through the process of digitization, helping them increase their competitiveness in the market. During the meeting, we will be discussing a proposal for a questionnaire for companies to help them diagnose their needs. So we invite you to a substantive discussion 🙂

The meeting will be an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and experience. Below is the detailed agenda of the meeting:

13:00 – 16:00 – International workshop on digitization of enterprises:

13:00 – 13:25 – Opportunities and challenges of digitization for SMEs (Marcin Kaczmarek, CEO of Consileon and CEO of IT Cluster)
13.25 – 13.45 – Models, powered by unique and specialized data, as the future of knowledge management for any organization (Daniel Czapiewski, CTO & PARTNER at 180HEARTBEATS + JUNG V MATT)
13.45 – 16.00 – Discussion with SMEs on their needs towards digitization
If you are interested in participating in the workshop then let us know.
Registration for the workshop should be sent by April 5 to:biuro@klaster.it

WHEN: Thursday (09.04), 1:00 – 4:00 pm
WHERE: stationary in the TILIA and MAGNOLIA room (first floor in the F2 building in Technopark Pomerania)The meeting and workshop will be held within the framework of the Consideration project we are implementing (funding from the Interreg South Baltic project).