IAMIP Technology

IAMIP Technology

ul. Cyfrowa 6
71-441 Szczecin

email: biuro@iamip.com
www: http://iamip.com/
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IamIP has created intellectual property management and collaboration platform. The platform offers many features, including searching for information, grouping patents into portfolios and sharing them within the organization. It also allows sharing individual data with external users. Thanks to robust patent analysis that can be carried out using the platform, intellectual property departments and business units can make more informed decisions about where and when to take important action in the area of patents.

Currently, the platform uses patent data from most patent offices in the world.

IAMIP Technology Sp.z o.o. is the Polish branch of IamIP Sverige AB. IT department is located in Poland, it’s responsibilities are the development and support of the patent platform. Offices are located in SPNT Technopark Pomerania.