Last week we had the pleasure of holding an “International Workshop on Enterprise Digitization”, which we organized as part of our international Consideration project. The meeting brought together our Partners from Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Lithuania. Our Guests included representatives from our local companies: Ministerstwo Dobrego Mydła, Follow me!, IAMP and Enovation Polska. The meeting was a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience on digitization in business.

In the first part of the workshop, together with our International Partners, we discussed a proposed questionnaire as a self-assessment sheet for SMEs. The purpose of the questionnaire is to help companies assess and diagnose their digitization needs. Based on it, a platform will be created with tools for measuring and reporting green transformation, using data for business analysis, and supporting the transformation towards digital networks and business models. The platform will support the development of digital competencies.

Later in the workshop, Experts from our cluster companies spoke with their presentations. Marcin Kaczmarek, CEO Consileon Poland and CEO of the IT Cluster, presented “Opportunities and Challenges of Digitization for SMEs,” highlighting key aspects of introducing digital technologies in small and medium-sized enterprises. Next, Daniel Czapiewski, CTO & PARTNER at 180heartbeats + JUNG v. MATT, discussed “Knowledge management models powered by unique and specialized data,” pointing to the future of effective knowledge management in organizations.

The last part of the workshop was devoted to a direct exchange of experiences with companies that are already using digital tools. We worked in five groups to discuss needs and challenges in areas such as sustainability assessment and reporting, business data management and analytics, digital business model development, knowledge management, and digital skills and competency development.

We would like to thank all the participants for their active participation and valuable lectures, which will contribute to the further development of our platform and a better understanding of the need for digitization of businesses.

The meeting and workshop were held within the framework of the Consideration project we are implementing (funding from the Interreg South Baltic project).