Agnieszka Zamaro-Wiśniewska
The certified auditor with over 17 years of experience. Graduated Szczecin University, Faculty of Economics. With tax advisor permits. Since 1999 runs books of companies from service, production, associations and foundation sectors. Specialized in shipping, forwarding, e - commerce companies and accounting of new technologies – B+R allowances(research + development), Estonian tax. Currently consultant in Accountant Association, member of Audit Commision in Accountant Association, which exists since 1907. Participates in integration of professional community actively inter alia as a member of Society of Cooperating Accounting Offices. She works in favour of cooperation between accountants and business. Main scope of her activity are not only small or medium sized companies but individuals working on their own as well. Actively supports entrepreneurs in solving tax problems. The startups are advised in choosing the right form of taxation, organization of financial issues, and employment of employees. Additional advantage is that thanks to statutory auditor broader view solutions in many areas - not only finance and accounting - may be recommended.